
The Japan and China Friendship Novel:Taro and Misuzu P3

Now, Taro(太郎) is anxious about Chinese Money Market and Stock Market.
He said to himself,
"Money Market and Stock Market in China are Confusing so much. Chinese leaders know that? May be NO. Who improves the situation?
And Taro also said to himself,
"Chinese leaders must know the world economics and the each market. Especially Stock market.
Now, Chinese stock market value is down and down because of Chinese leaders speech. Chinese leaders speech will destroy not only Chinese economics but also Asian economics and World economics."
After Taro came home, he explained the situation of China now to Miering(美鈴)
"Oh Meiring, Yeah Misuzu. The situation of China now is very strict. Do you know?"
"Yes, of course.  My measure subject was economics in my university student days. Chinese leaders speech is very DANGEROUS  for China. I know Stock Market in China is down and down."
Taro hugged Misuzu and kissed her deeply.

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