
Novel: I love Daddy P16 by Seiji Ninomiya

" Daddy I wanna live with you every day."
Yoko said to her father.
" Sorry Yoko. I was a bad father. I couldn't help you."
 Yoko's father cried.
" Oh, Daddy you good."
" Today, do you have enough time to come my house?"
"Yes, of course."
Yoko's father took Yoko to his house.
Yoko was very happy.


I love Daddy P15 by Seiji Ninomiya

Yoko searched her father every day. Finally she found her father one Saturday afternoon.
"Oh, Yoko."
They hugged each other with tears.
"Daddy, I want to live with you."
Yoko cried.
"Yes, I know your mind. Let's live together now.
Yoko's father told his phone number.
"See you soon"
Yoko became very happy.


I love Daddy P14 by Seiji Ninomiya

Yoko's mother began to abuse Yoko many times every day. Not only Mother but also her new boy friends.
Yoko's daily life became very serious.
But Yoko was never lost.
She never threw away her hope, "Someday, I will be able to meet daddy again."
After school, She stood Shibuya station in Tokyo every day to search Daddy.
Police officer said to her, "You can find your father soon absolutely."
At that time, Yoko was very happy.


Novel:I love Daddy P13:Yoko searches Daddy Shibuya station evreryday.

Now, Yoko's Mother has changed so much. Her daily boy friend visited Yoko's house everyday.
"Mammy, I love Daddy still now. I wanna meet Daddy. May I live with Daddy?"
After Yoko's words, Mother hit her cheek. "Shut up Yoko. Never say that."
Mother was very angry.
A week after, Yoko searched Daddy Shibuya Station in Tokyo everyday.
Yoko became well known among people, "The girl who searches Daddy."
She spent unhappy days.

Let's change the world by ordinary people's power. by Seiji Ninomia

Now, we all people of the world faces the big crisis. a lot of thing.
We must change the world now.
Who changes the world? Big leaders of the world?
I don't think so. They can't such a thing.
Let's change the world. improve the situation.
Each person's power is very small but if gather all people's power, that became very big.
Let' me say again.
Let's change the world by ourselves to make the new world.


二宮正治の窓 1月12日

1月12日575 日本国 都市改革が 必要だ。In Japan, Local Cities Reform is necessary.



二宮正治の窓 1月11日

1月11日575 団塊の 世代の人よ どこへ行く!
Where do Japanese baby boomers go? (Born 1946,1947)
